Pregnancy can be challenging, especially for couples experiencing it for the first time. You want to ensure everything is done right and the baby enters the world with a pleasant experience. While you can get advice from your close ones, it is essential to have a broader understanding of what's coming for you. Here are the five best childbirth preparation books for expectant mothers that can help ease your childbirth-related anxiety.
1.Ina May's Guide to Childbirth – Ina May Gaskin
Ina May Gaskin, the author of this book, has an experience of over 30 years as a midwife. This book's primary focus is to showcase that women's bodies are capable of giving birth. This guide also provides you with natural remedies to reduce pain and avoid drugs for the same. Ina May advises how you can create a comfortable birthing environment with the help of your doctor.
2.The pregnancy countdown book – Susan Magee
You must have heard that pregnancy can fly by for some; for others, it might feel like an eternity. This countdown book contains everyday tips and tricks to enjoying your pregnancy. The book has everything you need to know about pregnancy and uncensored truths about what you'll be experiencing in the 9 months of pregnancy. Someone expecting it for the first time should try this book.
3.The womanly art of Breastfeeding – La Leche League International
Breastfeeding is very necessary for a child as it provides nutritional and protective health benefits. But, for a mom, it can come with problems like sore nipples, irregular feeding times, low milk supply, exhaustion, etc. La Leche League International organization has made this comprehensive guide to provide every information that is required while breastfeeding. This book includes photos, personal stories, scientific evidence, and much more, all at one place.
4.Pregnancy, childbirth, and the newborn – The complete guide
This book is a comprehensive guide to your journey from being pregnant to giving birth to a child and what to do after birth. This guide has already been updated four times as it is among the bestsellers in the genre. You can get all the information related to all the stages of pregnancy and childbirth. This book contains photos, graphics, and statistics that can help you make an informed decision during and after pregnancy.
5.50 Things to do before you deliver:The first-time mom's pregnancy guide – Jill Krause
This book also contains a step-by-step guide for pregnant women, especially the ones expecting the first time. It is a well-organized guide that offers activities to complete during pregnancy. It is also a quick read, meaning it will only consume a little of your time. It has all the real-life information in a step-by-step format which can be helpful for many expecting mothers.
So, these are the 5 books that you can choose from if you're expecting soon or are pregnant. While these books offer much advice and helpful information, the data might differ for all women. If you're experiencing any trouble during pregnancy or looking for a comfortable environment for childbirth, you should rely on Ovum Hospitals. With extensive experience in child care, well-qualified doctors, and state-of-the-art infrastructure, Ovum Hospitals ensures you have the best maternity care.