Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy. For some expectant mothers, coping with morning sickness might be more challenging. It usually occurs during the first trimester of the pregnancy. It involves nausea, vomiting, and discomfort. Are you the one looking for quick yet easy tips to cope with morning sickness? You are in the right place. Continue reading to know more.
What is Morning Sickness?
Did you know? Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day. It occurs due to fluctuations in the hormone levels. Notably, an increase in the hCG level in your body can cause nausea and vomiting. Also, an increase in the levels of estrogen hormones can affect stomach digestion and lead to vomiting.
1. Eat Small, Frequent Meals
Instead of eating large meals, try eating smaller yet more frequent meals to keep your stomach from becoming too empty. An empty stomach can exacerbate nausea.
2. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can worsen morning sickness, so drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Sip on clear fluids like water, herbal tea, or ginger tea.
3. Ginger
Ginger is a natural remedy known for its anti-nausea properties. You can consume ginger in various forms, such as ginger tea, candies, or capsules. Some people find ginger ale or ginger snaps helpful.
4. Avoid Trigger Foods
Certain foods and odors may trigger morning sickness. Pay attention to what triggers your nausea and avoid those foods or smells.
5. Acupressure Bands
Acupressure bands, often used for motion sickness, can be worn on your wrists to help alleviate nausea.
6. Fresh Air
Sometimes, stepping outside and getting some fresh air can help alleviate nausea and make you feel better.
7. Vitamin B6
Consult with your gynecologist about taking vitamin B6 supplements, which can sometimes help reduce nausea.
8. Rest
Ensure you're getting enough rest. Fatigue can worsen morning sickness, so prioritize relaxation and sleep.
9. Aromatherapy
Some relieve nausea by inhaling soothing scents like lemon, mint, or lavender.
10. Medications
If your morning sickness is severe and affecting your daily life, consult your gynecologist. They may prescribe safe medications during pregnancy to help manage your symptoms.
It's essential to remember that every pregnancy is unique. If your morning sickness is severe, persistent, or causing significant distress, don't hesitate to consult your gynecologist. For comprehensive prenatal care and support, consider visiting Ovum Hospitals. Their team of experienced gynecologists is dedicated to providing expert guidance and care throughout your pregnancy journey.