During pregnancy, you may often find that your body starts aching every day. Exercising is one of the solutions to feeling fresh and relaxed during pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy is essential for you and your baby. However, talking with your gynecologists before doing any exercises is mandatory. If you're still wondering “Is prenatal yoga safe for pregnancy”? Yoga is an exceptionally safe and effective workout for pregnant women because it’s a mind-body workout that makes you feel clear-headed, open-minded, and relaxed. Yoga during pregnancy is the most regarded form of exercise and let’s dive in to see how this helps.
Pregnancy Yoga poses
Yoga poses for pregnant women include Vakrasana (Twisted pose): Sit erect with your feet stretched forward. Inhale while raising your arms at shoulder level, palms facing down. Exhale, twist your body to the right and your head and hand to the same side. Inhale, return to the original position and repeat on the other side. Your spine, legs, hands, and neck are relaxed, and gentle abdominal organs massage while doing the pose. Utkatasana (chair pose): These Yoga for pregnant women strengthen your thigh and pelvic muscles. The positioning of the asana is just like sitting on a chair but balancing without a chair.Cat/ Cow pose: If you have back pain, this movement stretches the spine and allows the belly to hang, which can ease tension. It also helps move the baby into an optimal position of birth. Inhale by stretching and expanding your abdomen, exhale by contracting your abdomen, and arch your back like a cat. Bhadrasana (Butterfly pose): The pose helps relax and stretch aching thighs, improves flexibility, and helps open up hips and thighs. Yoga during pregnancy helps significantly ease the pain during natural childbirth.
Breathing exercise during pregnancy
Breathing exercises during pregnancy can provide numerous benefits for both the expectant mother and her baby. These exercises, such as deep belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing, help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and increase oxygen flow to the baby. By practicing rhythmic breathing techniques, pregnant individuals can alleviate discomfort, manage pain during labor, and enhance their overall well-being. Additionally, focused breathing exercises can help prepare expectant mothers for childbirth by improving their ability to stay calm and centered during labor and delivery. Incorporating regular breathing exercises into a prenatal routine can contribute to a more positive pregnancy experience and foster a deeper connection between mother and baby.
Nutrition during Pregnancy-
Whatever a woman eats and drinks during pregnancy is her baby’s primary source of nourishment. So you need to include a variety of healthy foods to provide the essential nutrients a baby needs for growth and development. Pregnant women need more calcium, folic acid, iron, and protein. These nutrients are available in green leafy vegetables, enriched cereals, beans, citrus fruits, milk, yogurt, dairy products, whole grains, salmon, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts. During pregnancy, women experience aversions to specific foods, meaning they don’t like to eat them. They also have cravings for some foods. However, it’s unclear why a woman develops cravings or aversions during pregnancy. Some have cravings for chocolate, spicy foods, fruits, etc. It’s OK to satisfy their carvings only if they are part of a healthy diet. It is better to limit eating junk food..