How do you know a Baby Is Hungry / Wants Comfort, or Full?
Babies only have a few ways to tell what they need. It doesn't matter if the child is hungry, hurt, or lonely and needs comfort; he /she doesn't know what time is, so all these things are just as important to him now.
So, when your baby needs something, they open their mouth and make the only sound they can communicate with, crying.
So, until your child learns other ways to communicate when your baby sucks on their hands or cries, you want to understand their actions to meet their needs better.
Cues That Tell the Baby Is Hungry
How do you tell if your baby is hungry? To better illustrate, be mindful of these cues:
- Baby sucking on hand or fists
- turn their head toward your breast
- Calm and wide-eyed after a nap
- Rooting with a robust and nutritive suck
- Continuous crying after comforting them with cradling, rocking, or a diaper change (this is a late hunger cue)
- Opens and closes mouth
When your baby is hungry, you need to respond to their cues. Stretching, becoming more active, and putting their hand to their mouth are familiar mid cues or signs that tell they are hungry.
Babies will make extreme efforts to let you know they are hungry if these mid-cues don't result in a nursing session.
They will scream and cry. Babies will move their arms and legs all over the place. Their faces will turn red with frustration. These are signs that it's too late to feed; by this time, the baby is usually too upset to focus on eating. So, you'll have to calm them down as you administer food to them.
You can help keep feedings calm and effective when you see signs that your baby or infant is hungry. It's much easier for a baby to focus on eating enough when they aren't using all their energy to show how they feel.
Clues That Your Baby Wants to Nurse for Comfort
Nursing can be a ritual that feels calming and safe to babies. The special connection between the mother and child soothes the baby and mother by the release of oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”.
Of course, babies sometimes want to feel as close to their parents and won't reach for the breast because they are hungry. This is frequently referred to as comfort nursing or breastfeeding for comfort. You can quickly get into this habit, especially if you aren't sure if your baby is eating, just nursing, or if you want to comfort your baby quickly.
Your baby is only nursing for comfort nursing when you see these signs:
- Flutter sucking, slowing down, stop sucking, or making little sucks.
- Still and looking into space while nursing
- Holding the nipple in their mouth but not sucking for milk
- Rooting and sucking lightly at the breast
- Arching and grabbing ears
- At the end of a wake window, sucking hands or fists
- Eyebrows arched/eyes rubbed
- Crying could mean that they're too tired.
Other Ways to Satisfy Babies Who Only Want Comfort
- Swaddling is a way to hold a baby that feels like nursing.
- If your baby wants to chew, give them a pacifier.
- Making them rock
- Cuddling the baby
Nonetheless, if you're worried they'll stop breastfeeding because they use a pacifier, a study found no indication that this is the case. In fact, pacifiers are linked to reduction in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Try different things, and you'll find out what your baby likes best.
How do you Know Your Baby Is Full?
Learning the signs if your baby is fully fed is to know if you are nursing a hungry baby or one that only needs to feel better. It's important to let your baby nurse until they are entirely fed.
How do you Know Your Baby Is Full?
- The baby lets go of your breast or 'falls off.'
- The baby moves away from your mouth.
- The baby lets its body loosen up and opens its hands.
Further, if your baby finishes feeding from one breast and seems full, burp your baby and change their diaper (if needed), then offer the other breast. If your baby doesn't seem interested or doesn't want to latch on, he /she may not be hungry anymore. Some babies may feed from both sides at each feeding, while others may only feed from one side.