Coronavirus (aka COVID-19) has taken the world by storm since it was discovered in December in the Chinese province of Hubei. From the Hubei province in China, this threat has spread over 25 countries across the globe and has affected over 60,000 people in the area of China itself.
Even though the virus has infected individuals globally, our primary concern is pregnant women and how dangerous coronavirus is for maternal health. Proper care must be taken after a pregnant woman is diagnosed with COVID-19; for that, the Best Hospital in Bangalore must be fished out.
At Ovum Hospitals, pregnant women diagnosed with coronavirus are being treated, and the reviews are all positive. Below are a few common questions consumers ask regarding how dangerous this virus is and how it can be treated while delivering a baby.
Can pregnant women be easily infected by coronavirus?
The answer to this is a solid yes. Pregnancy does not alter the infection. Like the general public, even pregnant women are equally affected by COVID-19.
If proper care is taken, can a normal delivery be conducted on the mother?
It is a controversial question, and research conducted on this has a limited scope. However, in China, a peer- reviewed literature study was conducted on 9 pregnant ladies diagnosed with COVID-19 who gave birth. However, all 9 babies had a C-section birth process, and all were successful. Ovum Hospitals's ward is filled with experienced doctors who can provide adequate care for these patients and conduct a normal delivery process without complications.
Is COVID-19 easily transmissible to the fetus during pregnancy?
Again, since the coronavirus is a recent occurrence, limited research has been conducted in this field. However, a peer-review literature study was conducted in China on 9 pregnant ladies inflicted by the virus. They all gave birth to healthy babies via C-section procedures. The blood samples, breast milk samples, etc., were taken and examined in the laboratory. To the astonishment of the surgeons, it was seen that the babies had no trace of the virus in their blood or bodies. The transmission routes do not include amniotic fluid, cord blood or breast milk in its passage.
To sum it up, the effect of coronavirus on pregnant women is not as dangerous as it is to the general public. The virus does not affect Babies after C-section delivery, as per the research conducted in China.
Nevertheless, extensive care must be taken to keep the babies safe after their delivery from the diagnosed mother. You must consider the Best Hospital in Bangalore which can handle the problem. Ovum Hospitals is a first-class preference in this regard.