Feeding Schedule For Your Newborn Baby
It is natural to have concerns and questions when you are a new parent. Remember that no question is irrelevant when it comes to looking after the health of your baby. Nothing is consistent with the eating habits of your newborn because of the growth spurts in the earlier months. Therefore, a newborn baby is never on a strict feeding schedule. This could be confusing for the parents, but worry not. Read this guide to know about feeding schedule for newborn baby.
How Often Should Your Baby Feed?
Breastfed babies feed more frequently than bottle-fed babies. This is because breast milk is digested and empties from the stomach a lot quicker than formula.
Ideally once the baby is discharged and when the mother appreciates enough milk being produced, Babies are to be fed on DEMAND.
Even if the baby sleeps for more than 3-4 hrs, it is not necessary to feed the baby forcibly, until the baby cries for the feed. In the meantime, mother’s have to take enough rest when the baby is sleeping, so that enough secretion is produced.
It will be almost impossible to feed a baby when he/she is sleeping. So practice “On Demand Feed”
Even if the baby is Bottle Fed, practice should be “ On Demand”
Should I Put My Baby On A Schedule?
Any Schedule with the baby is impossible. Baby’s cycle will always be variable. Its upto the parents to get adapted to the baby.
Is It Okay To Wake Up A Sleeping Baby To Feed Them?
No, it’s not ok to wake up a sleeping baby. Breastfeeding for a baby is an active process. It loses energy while actively sucking at the breast. The time when a baby puts on weight is when it’s sleeping. So don’t wake up your baby from sleep that’s how on demand feed is established. Wait till it finishes its sleep and then demand for feed.
How Often Should I Breastfeed?
Babies may need to feed on demand, better known as demand-feeding. This is because your newborn’s stomach is small, and so you may have to feed them whenever they seem hungry. It is completely normal for your newborn to nurse 8-12 times a day, especially during the first few weeks. After the first month, the feedings decrease. A newborn should be fed at least 6 times in a span of 24 hours.
How Long Does It Take To Nurse?
This depends on the age of your baby and your milk supply. For detailed information on this, you must talk to your pediatrician.
There are several questions which may come to mind when it comes to the feeding schedule of your baby. Several factors impact this, including the sleep cycle of your baby.
Working together with the Neonatal Care and Research Institute, Ovum Woman and Children’s Hospital is one of the best children hospitals in Bangalore. We aim to provide an atmosphere of openness and warmth, treating every patient like a part of our family while delivering and uncompromising medical care.
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