What is the 'common cold'?
The common cold is an infection caused by a virus. Hundreds of viruses can cause colds, usually affecting the nose, ears, and throat. They are easily spread from person to person through infected droplets from the mouth and nose. They can also be passed on through coughs and sneezes.
Colds are very common. Healthy preschool children often catch at least 6 colds per year. Sometimes, after recovering from a virus kids get sick with a new and different virus, so it can seem as though they are ‘always sick’. Children are more likely to catch a cold than adults because their immune system is still developing. Most children see fewer cold viruses as they get older. Continue reading the blog for more advice for colds and coughs in children.
What are the symptoms of a cold?
Colds usually cause symptoms such as:
- blocked or runny nose
- sore throat
- coughing
- sneezing
- lethargy
Less common symptoms include:
- fever (high temperature)
- rash
- vomiting
- diarrhoea
If your child is unwell with symptoms of a cold, you may be concerned that they have Influenza, Adenovirus, or COVID-19 since some cold and COVID-19 symptoms are similar.
What causes coughs and colds?
Viruses cause most cough and cold symptoms and cause mild illness that goes away without needing special treatment. Colds are not caused by getting cold or wet or going out with damp hair or bare feet.
In some cases, cold symptoms can be caused by other conditions. These include:
- bronchiolitis (younger children) or bronchitis (older children)-A kind of lung infection/inflammation
- laryngitis (Inflammation in the throat)
- sinusitis (Inflammation in sinuses)
- whooping cough (A Prolonged and persistent cough)
- pneumonia
- asthma
- croup Infection in the throat with voice change
- COVID-19 and other rare viruses
How can I prevent coughs and colds?
It is impossible to prevent all coughs and colds, but you can do things to reduce the chance of your kids getting sick. These include:
frequent handwashing, especially after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, avoid sharing utensils and cups with others, using tissues instead of hankies and throwing them out straight away. Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep will also help keep your children healthy. Influenza(Flu) vaccine, as recommended by your doctor There is some evidence that regular zinc and probiotic supplements may reduce the number of colds children get over time, but more research still needs to be done to confirm this. We do not recommend regular vitamin supplements for healthy children at this stage.
Quick tip on how to stop a constant cough in a child
For a persistent cough in a child, try using a cool mist humidifier in their room and encouraging them to drink plenty of fluids to soothe their throat and loosen mucus. If the cough persists or worsens, consult a pediatrician for further evaluation and treatment for common cold in child.
When should I seek medical help for a cough or a cold?
You should visit your doctor if your child finds their symptoms unpleasant or at any stage if you are concerned.Be sure to seek medical attention if your child is very unwell with symptoms such as:
- wheezing
- a 'sucking in' of the skin around the throat or under the ribs when breathing in
- flaring of nostrils when breathing
- breathlessness (only being able to speak a few words at a time)
- fever with cold symptoms and sick look
- Poor feeding and not able to sleep
- Continuous vomiting and dehydration
These symptoms may mean your child’s illness is severe or is caused by something other than a cold virus. In this case, you should visit your pediatrician.
How are coughs and colds treated?
Viruses cause most coughs and colds and get better within a week. If your child has a cold virus, antibiotics will not help them recover since antibiotics can only help treat bacterial infections.
Other medicines, such as decongestants, antihistamines, and cough syrups, have not been shown to help children recover from coughs and colds and are not recommended for young children.
Vitamin supplements such as zinc, and vitamin C have also yet to be shown to help children recover from colds faster, but more research is required to confirm.
Special diets or feeding your child more or less than usual have not been shown to affect a cough or cold.
Humidifiers and steam treatments have also not been shown to affect coughs or colds in children, although some parents find them helpful.
The best treatment for most coughs and colds is for your child to rest at home so their immune system can fight the virus. Ensure your child drinks plenty of fluids, which will help ease a sore throat and make a runny nose easier to blow. Saline nose drops or spray can also help thin mucus and make it easier to blow out. You can use a bulb syringe to gently suck mucus from your baby’s nose if they are too young to blow it themselves.
Honey has been shown to help ease children’s coughs, especially if given at bedtime. It can be given to children over 12 months of age.
Paracetamol or ibuprofen can ease the pain of a sore throat or headache but speak with your doctor before using them.
Coughs caused by other conditions, such as asthma or croup, gastro-oesophageal reflux, foreign body, or allergy, are sometimes treated using inhalers or medicines such as steroids, reflux, and anti-allergy medications. Your doctor will prescribe these medicines and explain how to use them if needed.
What complications are linked to coughs and colds?
Most coughs and colds pass quickly with no medical treatment required and no complications.
In some cases, however, your child may develop a bacterial infection after being sick with a cold virus, and the condition might then need medical treatment.
If your child’s symptoms do not improve within a week, or they get worse, or your child has a cough that continues for more than a few weeks after their illness, they should see a doctor. The doctor may recommend some tests or treatments to rule out complications or another cause of your child’s symptoms.
When might my child need antibiotics?
Cold viruses cause most coughs, so antibiotics will not help your child get better any faster. Antibiotics are only used to treat bacterial infections.
A doctor may prescribe antibiotics when a cough is caused by a bacterial infection in the throat or chest, such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, or rarely cold, followed by a secondary bacterial infection.
How can I help calm my child's cough?
Cough medicines are not recommended for young children and can be harmful.
For children older than 12 months of age, a teaspoon or two of honey taken before bed can help ease your child’s cough.
Avoid exposing your child to cigarettes, mosquito repellents, and other strong odors, and also do not expose them to any fumes or smoke with chemicals, since it can worsen their cough.
Is it all right to send my child to school if they have a cough?
If your child is unwell, you should keep them at home to allow them to rest and recover, as well as to prevent them from spreading their illness. Some children continue to cough for many weeks after an infection — this is known as a post-viral cough. If your child has a cough but is otherwise well, check with your doctor if they can attend school.