Expecting? It can be fascinating and, at the same time, a very emotional moment for you, especially if this is your first child! It will bring in a lot of changes in your life, not only physically but also emotionally. You will need clarification, not have any idea about the different things happening, and always have questions running through your mind. Well, the first thing you can do is look for a reliable maternity hospital in Bangalore where you can have your regular check-ups covered.
Pregnancy care is critical for you to cover it right. For this, you need proper guidance from your doctor. But how much must you visit your doctor during your first trimester to feel entirely safe? If you are looking for answers to the same question, you have landed on the right page.
A number of things come up with pregnancy, but you must not keep calling your doctor. You will have things managed with ease with time. But, sometimes, things can get serious, and you must not avoid visiting your maternal health care specialist. If you are confused about this, below mentioned are a few of the situations which you must not prevent and have checked right away:
1. Regular Spotting: You might experience some spotting during your first trimester. If it’s limited to spotting, then you can just text the doctor and ask if everything is normal. But, if it’s continuous bleeding, you must book an appointment immediately and have it checked. There are several serious reasons behind bleeding, and you must not avoid it at any cost.
2. Excessive Vomiting: Vomiting is part and parcel of your pregnancy. But there is a limit to it too! Yes, you need to keep track of your nausea and vomiting and check whether it is more than usual or what! If you have excessive vomiting regularly in your first trimester, you must get an appointment with your doctor immediately. There has to be something that is leading to extreme nausea.
3. High Fever: This is another reason which you must not avoid at all costs and have it checked by your doctor. Yes, if your fever temperature is above 101 degrees Fahrenheit, fix your schedule, as it can affect your baby!
Ovum Hospital has all the facilities which can help you with quick action to recover from the problem. So, you must schedule your appointment with them right away for smooth pregnancy throughout!