Approximately one out of five couples struggling to get pregnant is told they have unexplained infertility. The doctor explains that there is no medical reason why they did not get pregnant after doing thorough examinations and tests. Listening to the doctor's statement makes many couples feel frustrated and think, 'Though everything is fine, why isn't it working for us?' Unexplained infertility is frustrating for couples and their doctors. Since finding a solution to a known problem is more manageable, dealing with an unknown can be stressful for infertile couples and the treating doctor.
Infertility is the inability to become pregnant after about a year of appropriate and well-timed efforts. Whenever a couple visits a fertility center , they undergo a few tests to find the underlying abnormalities.These tests include the husband's semen analysis, the wife's ovulation study, hormonal profile, pelvic ultrasound, and tubal patency test.When no apparent reason is detected, and all of the above tests are normal, the couple is labeled as having unexplained infertility.
Causes of infertility:
When an apparent cause is not identified on routine investigations, defects in basic things which form the pregnancy can be suspected like a problem with sperm function, egg quality, sperm and egg interaction (fertilization), functional defect in the Fallopian tube lining leading to transportation defect, subtle anatomical abnormalities, disturbed tubo- ovarian relationship, immunological alteration in the womb causing implantation failure, early Endometriosis and Luteal phase defect.Apart from the above, infertility may also happen because of lifestyle-related issues like bad food habits, obesity, alcohol, smoking, improper sleep, certain psychological conditions, toxins, and environmental pollutants. Therefore, multiple factors play together and can affect fertilizing and pregnancy..
Treatment plans:
Even though the couple's infertility is 'unexplained', treatment to help them have a baby can proceed. By using advanced technological approaches like sperm function evaluation, immunological tests, and diagnostic hysteroscopy- laparoscopy can help identify the cause.Unexplained infertility does not mean that you cannot get conceived. The treatment plan will be difficult to formulate for unexplained infertility. But there are many possibilities to treat this cause.
- Take more time: Many with unexplained infertility will become pregnant on their own simply with more time because couples earlier are not aware of the fertile period. Knowing the fertile period with timed intercourse for three months may work out for young couples.
- IUI- couples with unexplained infertility can be treated with Insemination therapy if the woman's egg supply is adequate. Insemination, or IUI is when sperm is collected, washed, and introduced into the uterus at ovulation. The rate of success with IUI is high when fertility drugs are used. 15-20% of couples have good chances of pregnancy within the first three cycles.
- IVF- if insemination fails, then the doctor will recommend IVF . Medications stimulate the woman's ovaries, and then eggs are collected. Sperm is introduced to the eggs, and fertilization is done in the lab. When embryos are formed, they are placed in the womb. The pregnancy success rate in IVF is very high in unexplained infertility since healthy sperm, eggs, and embryos can be selected for a healthy pregnancy. This IVF process also explains why the couple is not getting pregnant.
- Lifestyle changes- good eating habits, exercising, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and managing stress help the treatment given and improves the live birth rate.
The excellent news for unexplained infertility couples is that fertility treatments help them when undergone in a stepwise approach. The best thing is that the problem resolves spontaneously..
Couples travelling in this journey of unexplained infertility are frustrated and stressed but should take heart and work with their infertility specialists because the prognosis is quite good..